Friday, May 1, 2009

When the Weight of the World strikes Deep within Your Soul BE a HOPE Whisperer

Have you had those days when it seems no matter how positive you tell yourself to be there immerges within you an emotional world wind?
You try affirmations, and you try meditating and it helps some but then those negative emotions bubble up and comes back and you keep trying and it starts to get so frustrating because you just want to get back into a space of calm and balance. One of my favorite teachers is Guy Finley and he teaches about letting go and he teaches about observing yourself and what you are feeling. In a recent weekly Key Lessons titles “The Secret to Healing What Pains You” I had a realization that the pain I was feeling was related to what someone once did that pained me and when those memories emerge that part of myself emerges. I learnt that I must have the awareness that this part of me still exist inside me and I must acknowledge this and then surrender that part of me for divine healing. I believe acknowledging is key, it allows for acceptance within you and that in itself triggers the healing process. While affirmations and meditations helps this surrendering is a profound action within you, it is so subtle but very deep. It was an understanding that gave me ‘permission’ to be ok with the fact that it still hurts. It is the Ego in us that drives us to want to do something so that we don’t feel chained by that pain and we do everything to rid it using external mechanisms.
I found out that the HOPE whisperer is that part of you that says it’s ok to be in pain and to take time to be kind and gentle with yourself as you allow the healing to take place. I also believe that this HOPE whisperer is that genuine authentic part of you that is compassionate towards you and also allows you to be compassionate towards other people’s pain.
I was talking to a dear friend of mine going through a very troubled situation herself. I identified with her pain because it was about her child and as a mother it was almost an instantaneous understanding of the depth of her pain. It is when we connect to those around us who are hurting that we have the opportunity to be HOPE whisperers for them. Sometimes all it takes is listening and quietly sending them feelings of love and compassion as they speak, the silent whispers of your love sent through your energy is profoundly healing to the other. After your interaction they might even say how much better they feel after your conversation…you know because you were the HOPE whisperer sending quiet doses of compassion and love.
We must do this for our children as well. Many of them might not even speak out their pains because we “adults” don’t understand what they go through, especially our teens. Instead of amplifying the situation by worrying be a HOPE whisperer and send them love and compassion through your heart to their space and just make an intention that whatever it is that they need as a solution will be given to them. Believe me it makes a difference. I believe it is critical especially for us parents to send that positive energy to our children constantly as they are much more sensitive. Just give it a shot and you might even be surprised how your relationship with them “magically” improves.
Again, it begins with you and what is within you and then apply it to those around you and see what a difference it makes.
Be a HOPE whisperer to someone today…..and every day.
Written by Elizabeth Zachariah
Twitter me @Elizabeth_4LIFE
Coming soon...Backpack 4LIFE...A unique program TO REACH, TEACH and EMPOWER CHILDREN GLOBALLY

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