Friday, May 29, 2009

Empowering Children around the World

I just interviewed The Bubble man Geoff Akins last evening. An educator and performer he is living his dream empowering children by blowing bubbles! Yes, that is right, blowing bubbles! It did not come easy, keep tuned for the release of this interview very soon…

So, why is empowering a child so important. We all agree as parents we want the best for our children but recently I felt that all of us in the adult community globally have to ask this question… “How can I empower a child?”. The future generation and the future of this planet reside in the palms of the children of today and their outlook on life, their perception of who they are, what they can accomplish and how they should treat the environment around them.
What they are experiencing most of the time is news flash of the current circumstances, maybe it’s because what their parents are talking about, maybe that’s what their neighbors are talking about….is it wrong to talk about reality and the current circumstances? Maybe it is also important to equip them with the skills to perceive the possibilities of the future despite the current circumstances. Success is experienced through the storms of failures and every successful man and woman has their own story to tell. One might think, what could I do, I am just one person….why not just let the mass movement just flow in the direction of social gloom and environment melt down. If you cannot fight it join it?.....surrender, give-in, throw in the towel….what’s the point anyway…

“I have a dream” MLK

“Be the change you wish to see in the world” Mohandas Gandhi

In times of change, learners inherit the Earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists” Eric Hoffer

BECOME a DREAMER: Dream a dream of a changed world filled with people optimistic about the future, visionaries determined to make a planetary change for our children and their children.

BECOME THE CHANGE: take a stand wherever you are to make that change you wish to see….increased self-awareness, compassion for others, a restored blue planet, every child fed and clothed with a roof over their heads, a healthy body, emotional and spiritual balance…the list goes on…

EMPOWER yourself to BECOME THE WHISPERER: smile at a child, teach them to smile and pay it forward to create more smiles….read to a child and teach them to read with others and create growing knowledge….spend time quietly and experience the connection with your creator and teach a child to do the same to link one human spirit with another and cast the net wide…..

One child…one family…one community….then the world….

When we empower a child, we empower that child within each of us.

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