Friday, May 8, 2009

Gratitude is humility awakened

We teach and remind our children to say “thank you” in pursuit to instill in them positive virtues. Many of us are extremely good about conveying the same when in receipt of a gift, a compliment, a positive gesture from those around us. However, in the business and craziness of life I believe that it has just become a lip service. Eye contact for instance is a novelty and taking the time to really appreciate and acknowledge those around us has become cumbersome. Just as the “hellos” and “goodbyes”, the “thank you” is just another word we automatically utter on auto-pilot.
Then there is our ego telling us that it is absolutely sufficient to provide that lip service, after all that is better than what some people do which is to just walk away with the Starbucks coffee or sandwich with an attitude that as a paying customer it is in their right to receive service without acknowledging gratitude to the service provider.
There are many who walk around with a chip on their shoulder determined to put up harsh walls and maybe it is because they feel unacknowledged inside. When I think about what we can do, just little things to heal those around us and emanate joy around us I think of looking into the waitress’s eyes as she brings my lunch and saying to her “Jenny, thank you, that looks really delicious”…or “Justin, thank you for that coffee” as I receive my skim soy latte to go!
Looking into one’s eyes is so very important to acknowledge their presence, it also acknowledges that you are here and now “present” as well. It gives meaning to the other when we say thank you by addressing them by name even if they are just a stranger. After all a stranger is someone we haven’t met and how many times have we walked into a coffee shop every single day to purchase that cup of coffee from the same person waiting on us never to acknowledge their presence?
When you awakened to be present in that moment, even if it is just a simple gesture of buying a cup of coffee, and you appreciate the service being provided to you, you will feel a sense of humbleness which automatically makes you say “thank you” from your heart, you make eye contact, and you smile, and you “connect” because the recipient “feels” your gratitude and you acknowledgement with his/her heart as well.
Imagine teaching our children to say gratitude in this manner. Wouldn’t that make a difference? Imagine us adults taking a precious moment and getting off that cell phone and just being present to acknowledge the people around us.
This mother’s day is a perfect time to practice the gift of gratitude from the heart and believe me the flowers and gifts are wonderful but gratitude from your heart will melt your mothers into tears. Acknowledgement and a true sense of “yes I see you and I appreciate you” is something that will warm the heart and fill the soul.
To be in that space of giving gratitude from the heart, we must be in a space of humility and when we do so we will see that giving from this space is easy and fulfills us equally as it is fulfilling for those who receive this gift of gratitude from us.
I dedicate this article to all the mothers on this earth who are often the givers, the teachers, the nurturers, the providers…today I acknowledge you and who you are and would like to thank you for your presence and life. Thank you and may your life be blessed as it is a blessing to others.
Written by Elizabeth Zachariah
Twitter me @Elizabeth_4LIFE
Coming soon....Backpack 4LIFE....A unique program TO REACH, TEACH and EMPOWER CHILDREN GLOBALLY

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