Friday, May 1, 2009

Raising an Authentic CHILD

Who arrives at work?
Who arrives in front of the laughing 7 year old who opens your front door?
Who arrives at the bar?
Who arrives at Thanksgiving dinner?
Who arrives at the parent-teacher meeting?
Who arrives at the bachelor or bachelorette party?
Who arrives at the funeral?
Who arrives at the hospital as mom slowly leaves us all?
Who arrives at the weekly neighborhood get together?
Who arrives in front of the bathroom mirror?
How many of us are looking for a solution to empower the children in our lives to live a better tomorrow?

As you ponder on these questions I invite you to explore the very child inside you. How have you treated this child and where is this child right now? Who are you at these various occasions and places? Do you have a version of you for every situation in life, a face or mask you wear?

Will the REAL authentic you step forward.

When you open up and share your experience typically every single person has either experienced an awakening moment, is going through one and experiencing its symptoms. Each of these moments typically comes with a big bang! Loss of income, health, marriage or relationship or something to drive one into seclusion and have intimate thoughts of life’s very meaning. It is when you have one of those journey’s that you start experiencing this “other” “you” inside you, another set of consciousnesses, asking you some serious provoking probing questions of you that make you tremendously uncomfortable and you step into the zone!

I call it the zone of TRUTH. You can’t fool yourself in this zone. You see yourself for what you are and there are no ifs or buts about it.
Yes, when you are in this zone you cannot imagine how you got there and more importantly how to get out. When you do after having an epiphany (spiritual growing pains!) you typically wise up and if you don’t the universe will keep sending you the same until you do wise up and learn the lesson. For many of us, we want to teach from our experience and prevent the same for our children and our friend’s children, the neighborhood kids, grand kids, god kids…those KIDS who populate this BLUE earth. We wish them to wake up or become aware and be conscious and mindful of the life they are living, not to live through a set of beliefs that are outdated and poisoning to our society and to our environment.
Then we shy back and think me?!...who me?! How can I help the children live an authentic positive life? How can I teach children to participate in restoring our earth? How can I teach compassion and love for everyone?
Or…can I?
As we consider our participation of exploring the possibility of reaching out to our future generation that inner voice keeps arising and choking us with thoughts of impossibility.
How can I help raise children that live an authentic positive life? How can I teach them to participate in restoring our earth? How can I teach compassion and love and tolerance?
I am not qualified! I cannot be a teacher of authenticity when I am on my very own journey to master this very virtue?

Aren’t we all mothers for a new earth and isn’t it our responsibility collectively to nurture and usher in a conscious awakened generation? We look and constantly see and feel overwhelmed by the dire emotions that flood society these days…the economy, the environment, health care, education…it is endless. Can we afford to sit and watch and do nothing?
We are each just one person but we collectively are a family and we are able to re-build and re-construct our home, our society and our world. It only takes one person to believe and to say “I can do this”, I can be authentic and I will teach while I am learning another to be authentic.

We must raise that inner authentic child within us as we teach our children the importance of dreaming and visioning and having a positive outlook on life. We must believe as we teach them faith in a higher power, God or the universe, whatever your spirit believes to be true. We must take small steps every single day, every single moment at the very places we are placed in our existence to play our small part. Yes, pick that trash, be mindful of re-cycling, and take time to be joyful and playful, and give and share what you have with those who have less. So what if you can only give five dollars this month to a charity, this could be several meals to a child 3900 miles from you. So what if you can only tithe and give community hours this week, you are providing valuable help to an organization near you. So do it and share the experience with a child and allow them to learn from you….

We must take our children, or our children’s children or our neighbor’s children through this very journey we are taking. We do it together and so we teach each other and our future generation that it is possible to heal, to connect humanely with each other and that we don’t have to keep listening to the doom and gloom being reported everyday but instead we focus on our little positive world in which we thrive and this happiness will soon osmosis out and touch others and then it will spread wider and wider throughout our global family.

I challenge you to meet yourself and ask those questions I listed above and take it from there. Something is better than just sitting and doing absolutely NOTHING! is the deal…in the beginning…there is intention…there is YOU…we have to become authentic to nurture an authentic new generation…one child at a time….

Be the CHANGE that you WISH to SEE in the WORLD….Mahatma Gandhi

Written by Elizabeth Zachariah
Twitter me @Elizabeth_4LIFE
coming soon...Backpack 4LIFE A unique program TO REACH, TEACH and EMPOWER CHILDREN GLOBALLY

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